Trackmaps is a business devoted solely to the publication of rail mapping for the benefit of the UK Rail Industry and for rail enthusiasts.
Although it has its origins in the early track route maps produced for the Midland Region of Railtrack, Trackmaps the business did not become a separate organisation until it acquired the rights to the Quail Track Diagram series of books in 2004.
First published in the late 1980’s by the Quail Map Co and now updated by current publisher Trackmaps, they contain detailed track level information on Britain’s railway network as it exists in today’s world showing all tracks, junctions, level-crossings, tunnels, signal-boxes, sidings and depots complete with their railway mileages. The principle track information is shown for the main network, including both passenger and freight lines, with other public service railways, heritage lines and some leisure railways included. Six volumes comprise the series, each covering a specific area of Britain based generally on the regional structure used within the Rail Industry.
The Track Diagrams series contains much information which is available elsewhere and in other forms but they are unique in making it all available in map format and in easily portable volumes. As a result, they have become standard reference works for a wide range of Industrial users at all levels from Engineering Directors to freight drivers, from Train Operating Company managers to conductors, from civil contractors to possession controllers and from industry regulators to safety trainers. Among enthusiasts, they are recognised as useful sources for general interest but also for tour travellers, trainsim players, rail photographers and modellers.
The objective for Trackmaps is to help industry and enthusiast to be able to answer the “where is it?” and other questions from an easily accessible source. Our specialisation is in the cartography and publication of rail mapping as books, maps and whiteboards. Our aim is to provide accessible and accurate information.
Trackmaps website is operated by CBL Distribution on behalf of Trackmaps, with CBL serving as the official book distributor for Trackmaps. Credit/Debit card orders placed on the website will show as processed by CBL Distribution Ltd.