Railway Track Diagrams Book 2 - Eastern

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Soft back book, A4 72 pages (incl 52 colour maps), 5th edition, published September 2020.

Book 2 - Eastern covers the network on the eastern side of Britain from London northwards to the Scottish Border.  It includes the areas generally as Network Rail's Eastern Region (excluding the MML and Notts/Derby/Leics areas appearing in Book 4) together with public service light rail Metro in Newcastle and SuperTram in Sheffield plus a number of Heritage and leisure lines.

The contents include:

  • An Index Map showing the routes covered
  • A detailed Key
  • A comprehensive list of Abbreviations
  • 52 pages of schematic maps in full colour showing the rail routes at track level detail
  • A full Index of locations with over 4,000 entries
  • A listing of Engineers Line References and Line of Route codes in the Book