Railway Track Diagrams Book 3 - Western and Wales

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Soft back book, A4 60 pages (incl 38 colour maps), 7th edition, published September 2023.

Book 3: Western & Wales covers the network from Paddington into the West Country and the lines throughout Wales. It includes the Core Valley lines maintained by Transport for Wales and also Crossrail from Westbourne Park to Pudding Mill Lane and Abbey Wood. Significant private railways and industrial concerns in the same geographic area are also shown. The maps include the latest features; Overhead Neutral Sections and platform lengths in metres for industrial users and closed signal boxes still in situ for enthusiasts.
The contents include:
• An Index Map showing the routes covered
• A detailed Key
• A comprehensive list of Abbreviations
• Full colour schematic maps, now 38 in number, showing the rail routes at track level in detail
• A full Index of locations with over 3,600 entries
• A listing of Engineers Line References and Line of Route Codes in the Book