Railway Track Diagrams Book 4 - Midlands and North West
Soft back book, A4 72 pages (incl 54 pages in colour), 5th edition, published October 2022.
Book 4: Midlands & NW covers the West Coast Main Line from London to the Scottish border and other lines forming the North West & Central Region of Network Rail, together with lines of the earlier East Midlands Route. It includes the tram systems in Birmingham, Manchester and Nottingham together with a number of Heritage lines. New features for industrial users are Overhead Neutral Sections and platform lengths in metres and for enthusiasts, closed signal boxes still in situ.
The contents include:
- An Index Map showing the routes covered
- A detailed Key
- A comprehensive list of Abbreviations
- 54 schematic maps in full colour showing the rail routes at track level in detail
- A full Index of locations with over 4,200 entries
- A listing of Engineers Line References and Line of Route Codes in the Book